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Have your say is a place where we post comments about anything what is in our mind. We confront many things in our daily lives. We have a good day and a bad day. We can help each other by exchanging information that is useful and educational in nature. This page is dedicated to increase awareness in areas that we consider are small but find it personally important that what we feel needs to be shared with others.
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Gone Crazy with the Letter “I”

A technology that changed little over time.
There have been patches of changes disguised as new technology since the integration of core products to bring what we call Technology.
The landscape of computing has changed very little. The hope of groundbreaking innovation and transformation by small companies is not possible due to the bigger companies such as IBM, Microsoft, and Intel’s Market domination.
Currently the Intel inside and AMD processors provide the basic frames of computing with little substantial change but with much marketing for over a decade.
Microsoft that dominates the personal computing software market dumps
decade old programs by changing a few internals of application and visual colors based on the same graphical interface since the windows 3.1 going through periodic calendars on its office products.
Another technology leader Apple has gone crazy with the letter "I" in announcing new products. Imac,Ipod, Iphone, now IPAD .
I wonder what the next "I...something” will be and I wonder what the next technological hype in the “I “world will be?
Could it be another glorified telephone or calculator named “Itouch”, oh well I prefer to wait and see. For now "Igaveup

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