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Saturday, May 22, 2010

What is for dinner tonight? BP or Exxon Tuna?

Crude Marinated Fish, Courtesy of Big Oil.

It is not difficult to see a fish or a bird covered with crude and struggling to escape. Most will die and some may never have the same friendly environment to continue their species in the polluted waters. So much had been said about global warming from consumption of natural resources, primarily petroleum products that degrades the environment to household chemicals. Our Modern industrial system depends on fossil fuel energy to maintain economic growth at the expense of depleting life supporting oxygen and increasing life threatening gas. Although, there will always be some deniers of human contribution to negative environmental changes, the current temperature increase, Frequent storm and depletion of life in the sea are true outcomes of our action. Those who are responsible for such actions continue to deny, cover, drill and spill chemicals on land and sea. From Alaska to Louisiana, we see the destruction of the ecosystem, the suffering of people and the loss of commercial and consumer food. While the loss of food may seem insignificant at its current stage, loss of oxygen and increase of temperature to the overall global warming is devastating. How much proof do we need before we accept the truth in front of us?

Just a few days ago, the prized winner of the tea party movement from Kentucky declared the president of the United States as unpatriotic for asking BP to stop the oil flow. Bp had boasted in the past about their capability to stop and control any oil related accident in the ocean. In fact, BP claims as the concerned environmentalist that takes care of business while preserving the environment. Most of us know this was just propaganda to collect free taxpayers money every year and marketing in their quest to drill with no restrictions. BP had managed to use its lobbying power and influence to deny access to valid information how much oil is flowing into the sea and perhaps into land. It is difficult to know how much is flowing per day since independent scientists and observers are not allowed to check the real amount. However, different observers claim it can reach anywhere between 200000 gallons to over 4 million gallons of crude oil a day.

At the mean time, many thousands who depend on fishing are out of work and may not have the ability to fish in the spill area in the future. At the current rate of oil spill and destruction, it is uncertain seafood will be restored in the area for a long time.

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