It is US Against Them
Sometimes I wonder where orphans end up. Is there statistics that tell us how many of them got education, how many of them got jobs and create a family with children and how many of them end up in jail? We know that it is possible that orphan behavior could be overcame and replaced with sense of belonging within friends and society. How about the real orphans that never gets the chance to get out of the stage of downward growth? May be these are the real orphans that the newspapers, radio shows, and the TV shows present them as bottom of society, the eyesore of the community. may be these are the real orphans where well to do parents and families advise their children to stay away from people with different values than their own. The values that may never be fulfilled by the children who know no belonging to anyone except themselves. The real orphans could never realize values that are based on success, winning and consumption.
For the real orphans, they knew only transient life from one caseworker to a

nother, from one foster parent to another and the life of in and out of city jails. These are the gangs of yesterdays, today’s, and tomorrow’s where society spends resources to house them in-group homes as children and in prisons when they are adults. For the real orphans it always had been us against them.
Note: Gloves from
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