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Monday, August 31, 2009

View of Life Through Archetypes

Today, I have more questions than answers regarding Innocent and the loss of innocence. There are people who had experienced lose of faith, fear, and loneliness for several reasons. However, some of the reasons are not the product of childhood abuse by families or close relatives. These characters or symptoms could have resulted from war, fire, drought, or disease. These incidents affect the general wellbeing of a person resulting in keeping a person emotional and psychological developmental stage trapped. People that are trapped in innocent developmental stage handle their problems differently. The abused person may try to keep his/her abuse secret while the person that suffered trauma from war, fire or other natural disasters may experience depression and aggression and discuss the cause of the problem openly when asked to talk about it. The individuals overtime build their own assumptions to protect themselves from pains by taking actions such as drinking alcohol or forging fake friendship and relationships.
The book explanation of innocent stage of humans is closely related to childhood growth; however, I also see external circumstances such as war and natural disaster affect people when they are exposed to these events with the same type of confusion and loss of faith as that of innocence derived from childhood.

Note: Based on the book of Awakening, the Heroes Within, by Carol S. Pearson.

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